They were starting to get separated. Not that it worried Sanzo any. Everyone could take care of themselves, but still...if he had his choice of battle wouldn't be anything like this one because:
#1. He was running out of bullets.
#2. He needed bullets.
#3. He needed TIME to load the fucking bullets
Then there was something warm and solid against his back. Green light like fireworks shot in all directions and not a youkai could get within five feet of either of them. He reloaded, as usual taking his dear sweet time. "Mmh. Thanks." Sanzo muttered.
"Am I doing a good job being Hakkai?" Tenpou smiled. It was almost starting to look like a Hakkai smile too.
"I'd give you a 'B+' for effort."
"That's cruel, Sanzo. Is there any way to get extra credit with you?"
The implication was there. Sanzo hadn't missed it, but he pretended to anyway because Hakkai never suggested things of the sort. And when Hakkai came back, he wanted to see Hakkai...and not think of any idiocies of the sort. Especially not THOSE types of idiocies.
No wonder Tenpou and Gojyo had taken to each other.
"If you figure out a way out of this. That's a Hakkai thing to do."